DRAKON CORVINE of the Raven Clan (page 2)

D r a k o n   C o r v i n e

During my 18th year, as my father & I were returning from a visit to Lach Mmurd; when we were besieged by undead! Horribly out numbered, we fought back to back style. Time had passed; both of us wounded and exhausted, when I felt my father fall; I turned in time to see an undead sever my father's head, as another's sword cleaved my hand above the wrist. The pain in both my wrist and heart overwhelmed me as I felt a mighty blow to my chest and lost consciousness.
Who knows how much later, I awoke to find a Raven standing heavily upon my chest. Motionless, perched there; deeply lost in thought. With my head clearing, I followed the Raven's gaze. I suddenly felt a tingling in my wrist, as the bleeding stopped and my wrist healed closed. The Raven turned, looking deeply into my eyes, and I felt hope, strength & life flood into my being. The Raven suddenly flew off.
I took my father's body back to Loch Mmurd; Where he was laid to rest with Lokai.
There is more to this story! Simply follow the Raven! THIS WAY!
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