DRAKON CORVINE of the Raven Clan (page 3)

D r a k o n   C o r v i n e

I spent the next 7 years training in combat skills with Brork.  He taught me well; Helping me hone some of my odd "NATURAL" techniques, rather than trying to "BREAK" me of them! We sparred quite a lot; And at times he was surprised at my ability. We had quite a few "HONOR CONTESTS"; Though being a 2 handed fighter, he always bested me! One of our contests was very intense, and Brork accidentally sliced deeply into my left shoulder. As I bent my head in pain, I suddenly had a vision of the Raven. I looked right into his eyes, and felt my shoulder tingle, then tighten, as the wound closed, and the bleeding stopped. I watched as the gash closed swiftly, then scarred over!
We had known that I was very vulnerable on the left side, but didn't realize just how much, until right then! It was PAINFULLY obvious, that I needed to fashion a shield that I could use effectively to protect my left side. It took all of a year, and more wounds then I care to remember; But all the trial & error finally paid off; I had a shield that I could use well.
There is more to this story! Simply follow the Raven! THIS WAY!
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